Feedback on the new website
So this is the new website, which I'm sure a lot of you have noticed. We'd like to know what you think about it, so I made one of these poll things that you can have your way with.
Here is the poll. Middle click if you want to open it in a new tab.
Also, feel free to give feedback in the comments. Preferably constructive, but I'm not forcing you to.
So, I compiled some feedback here with some responses and questions of my own. You can just refer to the numbers in case I want some clarification.
(Hiroto): Responded with my feedback, too (in red)
- Progress bar animation
- A lot of people seem to have issues with this. If it's that much of a problem, I guess we should remove the animation.
- Done
- Request marking on queue
- This seems to be a bug, indeed.
- Confirmed, fix pending
- DJ images not working
- DJ images are not working mainly because the new site depended on the old one for the images, and that is no longer around. I don't even know if we still have the images, they might have been lost in the migration. DJs can just upload them again when it's working in the new site.
- Pending~
- Page brightness/news header color similarity
- I'm assuming that by "textbox" you mean the news posts on the front page? The background was nearly pure white a little while ago, so I can understand if the header and the background became too similar. I'll make a note.
- Mobile issues?
- Some people were complaining about not being able to turn off the "mobile site". There is no mobile site; the site readjusts itself based on the width of your browser window. However, I do agree that the transition occurs way too soon.
- Also, I wouldn't recommend arguing about anything related to mobile sites with Hiroto.
- Device widths can be adjusted. You people realise that it's not a mobile site and that the scaling is for modern devices, right? I don't know about you, but 10px text on a 4.5" 1280x720 screen is unreadable.
- DJ themes
- DJ themes will be available when they are made. All the themes have to be redone for the new site, which will take some time.
- I also agree that the site lacks personality, but apparently this is how websites are made these days. I must have missed the memo.
- Themes will be user-selectable when this is implemented.
- Comment formatting / Markdown syntax
- Yes, comments use Markdown. Whoever suggested adding a note about this with a syntax link, good. It will happen.
- Here is a Markdown syntax guide for now. Link
- Should probably do that.
- Expanding Stats in mobile menu
- This seems to be a bug? I don't know enough about how Bootstrap does the expanding to answer properly.
- It's because the site is HTML5 (the player doesn't stop if you change page). Noted, will make page changes close this.
- Page titles
- Most page titles seem to be rather experimental for testing. I think it will be fixed in the future.
- Default is the URL or the first h1 tag found.
- Menu item remains toggled
- This is probably a small bug. Not really a big priority.
- duplicate of #8
- Not a duplicate, you mistook this issue for #8. #8 is that expanding Stats on the mobile mode causes the menu to expand, but not into the page, which results in the menu becoming its own little scrollable.
- Also, someone I showed the site to said that the menu (on mobile) should close or anchor the page down to the newly loaded page. It just stays where it is on the page, currently.
- Artist/title center alignment
- I don't know if this is related to making mobile mode work, but I don't think so. I'll propose that it's changed to left alignment, or maybe left/right for artist/title respectively.
- It's a clusterfuck anyway.
- Artist name clickable to search
- That's a handy feature, but I wonder how much it would be used.
- Usecase seems like it wouldn't be used enough
- LP/Q box size
- I think many a lot of the site elements are a bit large too, but that's how Bootstrap works.
- I think it would be better if the boxes resized themselves based on how much text is in them (number of lines etc) but I don't know if this is possible.
- Resizing is actually done by default. I prevented it.
- Timeago time formatting
- You can hover over the times in the LP and Q boxes to get the exact time.
- The nice thing about relative time is that we don't have to account for time zones. Though, the old site handled this perfectly fine, so...
- If enough people prefer the old style I guess we can change it back. Here's a poll.
- Relative with a hover is what I want on the front page. Convince me otherwise.
- Missing stats
- The Stats page was not preserved. It might be added some time in the future.
- I don't think many people really used it that much, other than maybe for the listener graph and the pending song count.
- (that's what i used it for)
- I made a fancy stats page at some point and it's probably still in git that i will use.
- Missing search results
- I don't know about this, sounds like a bug. What did you search for?
- Known bug, fix incoming
- Song database statistics on submit page
- This is a nice idea. Might happen.
- Probably a good idea
- More options button does nothing
- Works here. What browser/os are you using? Do you have JS enabled?
- DJ/staff page
- This will probably be added in the future, though I can't say for certain.
- It will be done, but without the blogfaggotry
- Volume control issue
- I agree that the bar should move as you scroll.
- Actually, now that I'm trying it for myself, it does this. What browser are you in?
- Known issue with input ranges in a lot of browsers.
- Blurry logo on mobile mode
- I guess that has to do with how the image is scaled. Just have to live with it until we get a higher res image.
- I feel like just hiding it on mobile.
- "It looks like babys first website"
- No comment.
- u wan fite m8?